Monday, December 14, 2015


The final project for this class was an exploration of color and its ability to create depth in their designs when properly applied. For my piece, I chose to a simple geometric design using warm and cool color combinations. 
The images below are variations I created during the planning process.  

As I experimented with different designs, I began to notice the effect that color saturation had on the objects perceived placement in space. The stronger the color, the closer to the foreground the object appears to be. 

Below is my final design. I felt that in order to better the sense of depth, the piece needed overlapping elements to relate to as they moved toward the background. Using columns of tones that transition towards white as they move towards the horizon line. Doing so created a greater sense of depth and made it easier to position the sequences of squares. I found that the different tones of black and gray helped to further the illusion of space as they interacted with eachother. 

This project focused on using our previous skills from earlier color explorations to create space and depth. During this projects construction, it was important to consider the way specific color combinations interacted with their suroundings if I wanted to create a design that fulfilled the projects specifications.